O GERÚNDIO QUÂNTICO DO IDIOMA PORTUGUÊS por Flavio Calazans (Tradutor do Inglês : Dr Aldo Bizzocchi)

O idioma português é o código oculto mais hermético e esotérico de todo o mundo; uma barreira para todos os não-nascidos na nossa abençoada egrégora lusófona.

Ninguém sabe o número exato das populações que estão falando a nossa língua portuguesa em todo o mundo agora, em todos os cinco continentes, em muitos lugares, como: Portugal (Europa), Brasil e Miami (Estados Unidos), ilha de Macau (China), Goa (Índia), Timor (Oceania), Ilha da Madeira (Oceano Atlântico), o porto de Nagasaki (Japão), e também Guiné, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, Angola e outros países da África.

Uma enorme comunidade internacional oculta, uma fraternidade secreta falando um código próprio, com literatura, música, artes, arquitetura e tecnologias, uma cultura lusófona completa.

Estamos caminhando no meio de vocês, desde sempre, despercebidos, confundidos com os povos hispano-falantes.

Toda a minha arte e as minhas pesquisas científicas são feitas nessa egrégora mente-realidade-ciberespaço portuguesa, portanto é uma sabedoria proibida a quaisquer outras línguas bárbaras.

Apenas alguns pequenos papers internacionais podem ser lidos por não-lusófonos, sobre midiologia subliminar, know-how subliminar high tech e quadrinhos sobre a história da resistência cultural brasileira à colonização-globalização americana. Há também alguns quadrinhos em espanhol, francês e até mesmo em inglês.

O filósofo de novas tecnologias de Praga, Herr Professor Flusser, Vilém Flusser, best-seller na Europa Oriental, explica a sua escolha em escrever primeiro em português, porque a ontologia portuguesa pensa e experimenta os tempos verbais como “acidente”, enquanto o alemão e o inglês tentam reduzir a ação verbal a uma mera “substância” estática; em português nós TEMOS os tempos, e nunca o inverso de sermos prisioneiros da alquimia do tempo-espaço, e no nosso falar e escrever português há uma série de elipses e silogismos gestálticos entimemáticos.

Costumo dizer que nós, lusófonos do Brasil, vivemos em um contínuo tempo-espaço de gerúndio quântico, fazendo a nossa realidade aqui e agora (o presente permanente); e Flusser diz que na mente portuguesa o sujeito ativo-humano absorve o objeto, razão ontológica pela qual o português é uma língua perfeita para pensar sobre realidade virtual, signos subliminares e tecnologias da luz, na minha opinião.

O uso da navegação tridimensional Pensamento e Cor no ciberespaço do meu site na internet http://www.calazans.ppg,br,
Rainbow City, a minha classificação em cores da minha própria Comix Art, Cores Subliminares e muitos outros projetos telemáticos são aplicações práticas inspiradas por minhas conversas pessoais com Flusser sobre mensagens subliminares e as cores como código de comunicação.

É muito difícil para você entender?
Bem, acredite, é também muito difícil para mim tentar expressar isso em todas as limitações da lógica inglesa! […] Flávio Calazans
(este texto foi escrito diretamente n idioma Inglês e traduzido para o português pelo Doutor em linguística pela USP e pesquisador de idiomas e Semiótica Dr Aldo Bizzocchi) .

“Minha Pátria é a língua portuguêsa” Fernando Pessoa.

The portuguese language is the most hermetic and esoteric ocult code in the world; a barrier to all not-born in our blessed Lusophonic Egregore. Nobody knows how is the exact number of the Populations who are speaking our portuguese language in all the world now, in all five continents, in many, many places how: Portugal (Europe), Brazil and Miami (America), Macao island (China), Goa (India), Timor (Oceania), ''Ilha da Madeira'' (Atlantic Ocean), the harbor of Nagasaki (Japan), and also: Guiné, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, Angola, and other countries (in Africa), etc...a very, very big occult international community, a secret fraternity speaking a code of their own , with a literature, music, arts , architeture and technologies, a complete Lusophonic Culture.

We are walking among you, since ever, unnoticed, confounded with the spanish speakers people. All my art and scientific researches are made in this portuguese mind-reality-ciberespace-egregore, therefore, it's a forbiden lore to any other barbarian languages. Only a few little international pappers may be readen for non-lusophonic people, Subliminal Mediology, about subliminal high-tec know-how , and Comics-Comix about the history of brasilian cultural resistence to USA colonization-globalization. There are also some comics in spanish, french and even in english.

The Philosopher of New Technologies from Praga, Herr Professor Flusser, Vilém Flusser, the best seller in Easter Europe, explain his choise to write first in portuguese because portuguese Ontology think-and-experience verbal times how ''accident'', and german and english try to reduce verbal action to a mere static ''substance''; in portuguese we HAVE the times, and never the inverse of be prisioners of time-space alchemy, and in our speak and write portuguese there are a lot of elipses and entinematic gestaltic silogismes.

use to say that we lusophones in Brazil live in a continuum time-space ''ing'' of Quantic Gerund , making our reality now and here ( the Permanent Present) ; and Flusser says that in the portuguese mind the active-human subject absorves the object , ontological reason why portuguese is a perfect language to think about Virtual Reality, Subliminal Signals and Technologies of Light, in my opinion. The use of Tridimensional Think and Color Navigation in the Ciberespace of my internet site ,

Rainbow City ,

my classification in colors of my own Comix Art, Subliminal Colors and a lot of other telematic projetcs are pratical applications inspirated by my personal conversations with Flusser about subliminals and colors how communication code.

It's to much difficult to you understand ? Well, believe me, it's also very, very hard to me try to express this in all the limitations of english logic !... The writes of chinese Lao-Tsé, greek Heraclito, german Nietzsche and the pratics of Xamans, Sufis, Zen, Yogues and Alchemists could help you to fell this lore in all your body...or maybe if you drink our Inca's ''Wine of the Gods'' Ayhuasca for some years ...who knows..?!?

Therefore, now you may go and learn portuguese, and them you shall be welcome to my post-flusserian work and our blessed Quantic Gerund. ( In a near future, Brazil could be selling WATER to your dry and polluted country...researche about this...)



  1. The portuguese language is the most hermetic and esoteric ocult code in the world; a barrier to all not-born in our blessed Lusophonic Egregore. Nobody knows how is the exact number of the Populations who are speaking our portuguese language in all the world now, in all five continents, in many, many places how: Portugal (Europe), Brazil and Miami (America), Macao island (China), Goa (India), Timor (Oceania), ''Ilha da Madeira'' (Atlantic Ocean), the harbor of Nagasaki (Japan), and also: Guiné, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, Angola, and other countries (in Africa), etc...a very, very big occult international community, a secret fraternity speaking a code of their own , with a literature, music, arts , architeture and technologies, a complete Lusophonic Culture.

    We are walking among you, since ever, unnoticed, confounded with the spanish speakers people. All my art and scientific researches are made in this portuguese mind-reality-ciberespace-egregore, therefore, it's a forbiden lore to any other barbarian languages. Only a few little international pappers may be readen for non-lusophonic people, Subliminal Mediology, about subliminal high-tec know-how , and Comics-Comix about the history of brasilian cultural resistence to USA colonization-globalization. There are also some comics in spanish, french and even in english.

    The Philosopher of New Technologies from Praga, Herr Professor Flusser, Vilém Flusser, the best seller in Easter Europe, explain his choise to write first in portuguese because portuguese Ontology think-and-experience verbal times how ''accident'', and german and english try to reduce verbal action to a mere static ''substance''; in portuguese we HAVE the times, and never the inverse of be prisioners of time-space alchemy, and in our speak and write portuguese there are a lot of elipses and entinematic gestaltic silogismes.

    use to say that we lusophones in Brazil live in a continuum time-space ''ing'' of Quantic Gerund , making our reality now and here ( the Permanent Present) ; and Flusser says that in the portuguese mind the active-human subject absorves the object , ontological reason why portuguese is a perfect language to think about Virtual Reality, Subliminal Signals and Technologies of Light, in my opinion. The use of Tridimensional Think and Color Navigation in the Ciberespace of my internet site ,

    Rainbow City ,

    my classification in colors of my own Comix Art, Subliminal Colors and a lot of other telematic projetcs are pratical applications inspirated by my personal conversations with Flusser about subliminals and colors how communication code.

    It's to much difficult to you understand ? Well, believe me, it's also very, very hard to me try to express this in all the limitations of english logic !... The writes of chinese Lao-Tsé, greek Heraclito, german Nietzsche and the pratics of Xamans, Sufis, Zen, Yogues and Alchemists could help you to fell this lore in all your body...or maybe if you drink our Inca's ''Wine of the Gods'' Ayhuasca for some years ...who knows..?!?

    Therefore, now you may go and learn portuguese, and them you shall be welcome to my post-flusserian work and our blessed Quantic Gerund. ( In a near future, Brazil could be selling WATER to your dry and polluted country...researche about this...) http://calazanista.blogspot.com/2017/12/o-gerundio-quantico-do-idioma-portugues.html


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